263 items found for ""
- Arthur Miller Jr. Choked to death by NY Police June 14, 1978
In the long struggle against police abuse of power which took many forms the most egregious was the death of the victim. Arthur Miller was a respected, highly successful businessman. He loved his family and he loved the community to which he supported in many ways. He was active in the community and very generous. I shall never forget we were on the street in downtown Brooklyn boycotting/protesting the killing of 15yr old black youth Randy Evans by police officer named Robert Torsney. Randy was killed November 1976. A year later almost to the day the jury verdict was not guilty by reason of insanity. The killer cop was remanded Creedmoor Hospital Center with weekends home. The following year he was released. The community was furious. We launched Black Christmas 77. We called for economic boycott. As we continued the boycott of the downtown stores the anger galvanized the community as increasingly they joined the boycott. Then on June 14th, 1978 we were still on the streets boycotting when word reached us that Arthur Miller Jr. had been choked to death. It was in the evening when we left the boycott and headed to a rally that was being convened at a public school in Crown Heights. The following day, June 15th Victor Rhodes a 15 year old black youth was beaten to a pulp by 30-50 members of the Hasidic community, according to the press. While we willl always remember Arthur miller with sadness but at the same time his death fueled the movement that eventuated into the NBUF which organization began to have a significant impact locally, nationally and globally. the progress that we are witnessing now many especially many of the elected officials came out of that movement. The NBUF will be celebrating its 45th anniversary in Kansas City, MO. In demands we made; Torsney be indicted on Randy Evans civil rights Blue ribbon commission be convened to study and to make recommendations to advance our young people A 10 point demand negotiation package that would be put before the business community. The demands included a percentage of the media would go to black media. Likewise percentage of banking, service contracts, philanthropic budget go towards black communities. We demanded upward mobility we also demanded a crisis fund that would respond to our people in crisis without a lot of red tape and we demanded a scholarship for 5 years of ten college bound students $1500 each in the name of Randolph Evans. We did not get Torsney indicted, a blue ribbon commission was to be instituted by then mayor Ed Koch and the business community conceded to all of our demands. They funded the scholarship for 5 years and liked it so much that they continued for another 5 years. After which, we funded the program raising the money primarily from the black community. We will be celebrating the 45th anniversary of the scholarship program June 29th at 2pm at the House of the Lord Church where it all started, 415 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn, NY. Once we had won our demands and by now the movement was gathering steam. We organized the local Black United Front July, 1978 and then the National Black United Front in July, 1980. Once we gained the victory we did an unusual thing. We gathered the community at Ramapo College informed them of what we had won and began to share leadership. Al Vann became Chair of the Randolph Evans Scholarship Program; Jitu Weusi became Chair of the Crisis Fund; Sam Pinn also participated in the scholarship program; my wife, Dr. Karen Daughtry became Coordinator of the annual Randy Evans Memorial Scholarship event. As leader of the movement I asked only that she be appointed to head up the scholarship program. I was concerned that the scholarship program wouldn’t last forever and the person I knew would make sure that our desires and vision would come to pass. Thus she has kept the scholarship program for lo these past 45 years. We invite the community to remember Arthur Miller and Randy Evans and all those who were killed by the police and also attend the Scholarship Program on June 29th, 2024 at 2pm.
- Asylum Seekers: Leaders demonstrate for better treatment
Asylum Seekers: Leaders demonstrate for better treatment Please, somebody tell me what my eyes are seeing, what my ears are hearing is all a fantasy! What I am seeing and hearing are Asylum Seekers with their leaders demonstrating at City Hall demanding that Mayor Adams cease the policy of having Asylum Seekers removed after 30 days for individuals, 90 days for families from the places that they had residence and have to reapply unless or until shelters are found for them. The idea is not to create permanency in the transit residents but to keep hope alive that by moving or reapplying eventually there will be permanent residents. The leaders are demanding that the policy cease because it imposes hardship upon the Seekers. Somebody help me please so that my blood pressure doesn’t go up and my heart rate doesn’t increase. How is it that these Asylum seekers are numbering over 200,000 in the last year or so entering uninvited from near and far. And the city opens its arms to them, providing accommodations and other kinds of amenities while seeking an answer to the problem. But these Asylum Seekers instead of being grateful for whatever is offered are now complaining that they are not getting proper accommodations – they do not want to go into these shelters. Now keep in mind, there are tens of thousands of good old Americans who have been in this country for years, helping to make NYC and the country what they are and have become, and for various reasons are in shelters. Everybody agrees there is a desperate need for housing in New York City. But these Asylum Seekers with their well-intentioned leaders (and it's hard for me to say they are well intentioned) are complaining they are not getting proper treatment. This Mayor has welcomed Asylum seekers. He was at the bus stops when they came into the city from other places. In fact, they were bused in from other cities that demonstrated they didn’t want them. But here in New York compassion and sensitivity were shown to the Asylum seekers not only by the Mayor, but in general by New Yorkers. And at the same time, millions of New Yorkers are going through hard times. This is not the best of times for most New Yorkers. But we’re trying to live with it and do the best that we can. But, the Asylum Seekers, few in number, I hope, want better accommodations, better treatment. This Mayor, moved with compassion and empathy, is doing the best he can with what resources he has. Keep in mind, there is no solution anywhere – From nowhere has anyone come up with the answer, from the president on down has found a satisfactory answer to this problem. Some Mayors out of compassion and empathy are doing the best they can with the resources that they have. And yet, not only are these Asylum seekers complaining, but the press seems hard and unfair on the Mayor. It seemed from the beginning of this Mayor's tenure- the press, black and white have not been fair. Let me put this in a personal way. Suppose you had a home and they showed up one day to crowds of people showing up one day at your door seeking residence, they’re being driven out of their country and you say to them, “I am having difficulty myself but I’ll find you some room. It may be up in the attic or down in the basement, or my backyard. But I will find you some accommodations and provide you with the sustenance for survival and I will show you love and understanding.” So you welcome them in and provide food, water, and shelter and treating them with respect. Even more with love, even though you are getting complaints from your family members in the same house. Then out of the basement comes a group saying, we don’t want to live in the basement any more. We want to live on the ground level floor, the basement is too difficult for us, or we don’t like the policy of being moved out of the basement onto the lawn. We don’t like that policy, we want to stay in one place. You say to them, you want them to move into their own permanent residence. So can you bear with us to get this done. Then you wake up one morning and see demonstrators in front of your house, demanding for better accommodations or treatment. I wonder what you, dear reader, would do? And at the same time you think your neighbors will help. Then you go to your neighbors and they say they are willing to help and send them somewhere else. You find yourself by yourself and here you have people demonstrating, I just wonder what you, my dear readers would do. I rather not entertain the thought. I don’t even want to entertain the thought about what I would do. Let’s try to pull together and help this Mayor find a solution. It requires all of us including corporate America. We need a National Policy! I refuse to believe that in our great country of America putting people up on the moon making all kinds of incredible discoveries, we cannot find a group of people, with the impartiality, love, concern, creative genius, you mean we can't find people who can come together and draw up for us a workable solution to this problem. I refuse to believe we can’t find the people to do that. But in the meanwhile at the risk of being repetitive, let's give the Mayor a break! And for those of us who believe in prayer, let’s continue to pray for this Mayor that God would give him the wisdom of Solomon! Save the Planet – Save the People!
- The House of the Lord Church where Black Political Power was born and nurtured Part One Hundred Twenty-Three
My Beloved Community Chapter Four; Part IV: JESUS, THE SURPRISING CONTEMPORARY(A) - Redeeming in Action In every age, some would have Jesus adjusting to the contemporary cultures, value systems, mores, and styles of life. They would have Him accepting the prevailing political, religious, and social structures. But Jesus was not this world conformer, waiting on another world. He was a confronter. He confronted men and women and societies with their sins, individually and collectively. Nobody was spared. The highest as well as the lowest came under His Judgment. But all were given the opportunity to start anew. He showed them that they could become the children of God. He was a disturber of the peace. He disturbed the serene order of the status quo; the order built upon the gratification of the few and the degradation of the masses. He was a shatterer. He shattered religious and social and political systems that were corrupt to the core. In a word, He was a troublemaker. He just could not leave things alone. He always had to be meddling and poking around. He came with a new order. And to inaugurate a new order it is always necessary to overturn or to remove the old order. Now that is true individually, and it is also true collectively. "You can't put new wine into old bottles," He once said, "nor can you put old wine into new bottles." New wine must be put in new bottles. You need a complete newness, newness through and through. He came with a new ethic, a new morality, a new way of looking at old problems and questions. He came with a new value system, one not grounded in tribal preservation or ancient laws, but in the eternal rightness of things. Now His disciples had learned their lesson well. For it was said of them that they were turning the world upside down. What a description: "These are they that have turned the world upside down." What did that description mean? It meant that they rejected the world's idea of justice and rightness. It meant that they refused to accept society's concept of what was important and what was meaningful and what was authentic. It meant that the followers of Jesus, following the example of their Lord, went everywhere with a disdain for political, social, religious systems; they cared nothing for old moralities, old authorities, old traditions, etc. For these things had not brought peace and justice to the world, to say nothing of producing an abundance for all earth's inhabitants. And, therefore, the disciples felt that these things needed to be swept aside to make way for the new order which would start in the minds and spirits of humanity and would issue forth into a new community comprised of all the people of the world, and give rise to new social structures. Jesus had said, "My Kingdom is not of this world." What He meant was that His kingdom gathers its ethics, its rationale, its philosophy, its lifestyles, its values, its strategy, not from the systems of men, for these are bankrupt, for they are built upon the wisdom and self-interest of men. But rather, His kingdom is sustained and perpetuated by the infusion of the Eternal Spirit of the Almighty Himself, which captures the spirits of men and catapults them out into the world with messages of salvation for all; and, therefore, His Kingdom is incorruptible. Its treasures are in heaven, beyond the corruption of earth. You can't buy or bribe your way in; you've got to be born anew. You've got to undergo a radical reordering of your attitudes, values, associations, and desires. His kingdom is irresistible, the gates of hell cannot stop it. And it is eternal, for it flows from God Himself. And it is always in opposition to the kingdom of this world, for the systems of men are demonic. They are conceived in pride, nurtured in arrogance, and raised on selfishness, yielding a harvest of injustice, violence, inhuman behavior, and misery. And one day His kingdom, though small and insignificant now, shall grow and grow and gather momentum with the passing years and shall destroy the systems of men, and a new nation will begin.
- The House of the Lord Church where Black Political Power was born and nurtured Part One Hundred Twenty-Two
My Beloved Community Chapter Four; Part IV: JESUS, THE SURPRISING CONTEMPORARY(A) - Redeeming in Action Now, the Pentecostal movement really got going in America around 1906, through the efforts of a black, one-eyed preacher named Charles Seymour. The place was an old Methodist Church, long since closed, in the city of Los Angeles, California. God demonstrated His presence miraculously, in healings of all kinds and in radically changed lives. But perhaps the greatest miracle was that color and class lines were broken down. Everybody was the same. There was a democratization of the gifts. People came from all over the world, and they carried the message back with them. Significantly, the Charismatic Movement that has since swept the world began in such humble surroundings. Now, if this could have continued, if men and women would have permitted God to continue His work through them, we might have seen a change in American society. But in a few years, the Pentecostal Movement followed the racial and color patterns of the larger society. White men formed denominations and fellowships and groups with other white men and enjoyed the benefits of a racist institution. Instead of challenging, they conformed, and so the Spirit of Jesus was captured by culture. Now, what is interesting, particularly for black Pentecostals and Evangelicals, is that they too, in another kind of way, became supporters of the status quo. They saw their roles as preaching against sin, and they defined sin in terms of short dresses, lipstick, movie shows, smoking, drinking, and pornography. Moreover, living holy came to mean not only refraining from the above, but also withdrawing from all protest and programs designed to confront the unjust institutions of America and waiting for Jesus to return from "up there" in heaven. Instead of following Christ into new and perhaps radical expressions, our Pentecostal brothers turned away from it all, got holy, and frowned on others who were trying to change social conditions. Their worship became a kind of escapism. You went to church not to be informed, educated, enlightened, or challenged; you went there to have a "good time" ("in the Lord," of course); to "get high on God," as one preacher put it. The only difference between white Pentecostalism and black Pentecostalism was color. Both were conservative; both supported the system either consciously (as was the case with most whites), or silently (as was the case with most blacks), for being silent in the face of injustice is to help sustain that injustice. As a result, many turned away from Jesus. But it wasn't really Jesus that they were rejecting. They were rejecting a white Jesus who was woven into an American racist, exploitative system, not the Jesus of Scripture — the surprising contemporary. Jesus is relevant. He is here. He is real. We must seek Him as He is, and let Him express Himself, not according to our cultural patterns, but in whatever way He desires. It is then that we discover that He is in truth a startling contemporary. He meets us at the crossroads. He meets us in the marketplace, in the political arena, in the school room, in the barber shop, butcher shop, beauty shop. He meets us in the hospitals and in the institutions. He is the startling contemporary. He is inescapable. And when we meet Him, we will not be the same ever again. When we seriously study the life of Jesus, as we shall have occasion to do in the weeks ahead, we shall be driven to the conclusion that Jesus was not a cheerful conformer to the systems of men, as his followers— through their own fears, ignorance, and self-interest—have often made Him out to be.
- The House of the Lord Church where Black Political Power was born and nurtured Part One Hundred Twenty-One
My Beloved Community Chapter Four; Part IV: JESUS, THE SURPRISING CONTEMPORARY(A) - Redeeming in Action There is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins, And sinners plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. — Christian Hymn “For as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you.” — I Peter 1:18-20 In the next several weeks I want to invite you to think with me about Jesus the Christ. The title "Jesus, the Surprising Contemporary" is not original with me. I first heard it from a Dutch theologian in Thailand. He wanted to convey the idea that Jesus was startlingly relevant, that He confronts humanity in every age with His timeless message and person. I thought at that time, what a striking characterization - Jesus, the Surprising Contemporary. It seemed to gather up in a dramatic and concise fashion my own thinking about Jesus. He is a contemporary, and He is relevant. Whether we like it or not, if we engage in serious thinking, eventually we will meet Him, and He forces us to do something with Him. He seems always to be there. Who was this Jesus called the Christ? Some called Him a friend of sinners and prostitutes; demon-possessed; an impostor; a blas-phemer. Others called Him the Son of God, the Lamb of God, the Son of Man, a prophet, a Rabbi or teacher, the Messiah or Christ. What did he call Himself? That always depended on with whom He was speaking. And when we read the Bible, we must always read it with an understanding that Jesus is always under surveillance. The establishment, the police, and the spies are always present. Sometimes they try to trap Him with questions. Other times they try to tangle up His words so that He is made to say what is not intended. They feel threatened by Him. He is gathering masses of people around Him. All kinds of people — the poor, Zealots or revolutionaries, the dispossessed. They are not sure what His aim is. Maybe He will start an insurrection, maybe a revolution. He must be stopped! So keep in mind that when Jesus speaks, or teaches, He knows enemies are around. He knows that eventually He will be killed, but He must take care that it does not happen before He has had time to build His movement. So, what He calls Himself, and what He allows others to call Him, depends upon who is doing the calling and who is around at the time. I will discuss the names of Jesus and titles at another time — suffice it now to say that He accepted the title "Messiah" which is Hebrew; the Greek form is "Christ." The name means the "Anointed One." It was believed that God would send a special representative to earth to save or to liberate mankind from its sinfulness in all of its manifestations and demonstrate His will to mankind. The nation of Israel had been chosen by God to be the channel through which the Messiah would come, and all the people eagerly prayed and waited towards this end. Now there are some problems posed by the so-called followers of Jesus, making it difficult for people to see His relevance. Sometimes the followers lock Him up in Heaven. They make Jesus some kind of "up-there spirit," totally removed from the tension and turmoil of ordinary, everyday earth living. It was probably in reaction to this concept of Jesus that people began to talk about the search for the historical Jesus. They wanted to find the real flesh-and-blood Jesus. They wanted to be done with spirits and myths. They wanted the real historical Jesus. One group locked Him up in heaven, and the other group locked Him in history. In neither instance, it would seem, did Jesus the surprising contemporary appear. In each case He was either up there, or back there, but not here and now. Then, probably reacting to both of these, some theologians began talking about the Jesus who is "out there," ahead of us, beckoning us to come ahead. They talked about the future breaking in. In this view, the followers of Jesus are pilgrims; they have no stationary place; they must be continually pulling up stakes and moving on. For it is not the will of Jesus that His followers should become comfortable, or captured in any culture, condition, or state of being. They were to follow their Lord out into the future. This Dutch theologian also said, "T had to get rid of my Western baggage that I might follow Christ through culture." He meant that he had to cast aside worn-out value systems, outdated norms, old frames of reference, to follow Jesus, who was leading him into new lifestyles and cultural expressions. Now, I believe that Jesus as the surprising contemporary comprehends the best of those three approaches. It searches for and embraces the historical Jesus back there; it gathers to itself the spiritual Jesus located up there: and it merges the Jesus ahead of us, out there; thus, Jesus becomes contemporaneous with us—right here. Now, what do I mean that Jesus is contemporary? The Pentecostal movement in America is an example of Jesus' relevance, or His contemporaneousness. The same Pentecostal movement is also an example of abortive development. Pentecostal, from a Greek word meaning "fiftieth," refers to a festive day which came fifty days after Passover in the calendar of the Israelites. It was the gathering of the first fruits, so there was great celebration. It was on this day that the disciples of Jesus were filled with the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues. So, Pentecostalism has come to refer to those who believe in being filled with the spirit of God and evidencing that fact by speaking in tongues.
- The House of the Lord Church where Black Political Power was born and nurtured Part One Hundred Twenty
My Beloved Community Chapter Four; Part III: SEARCH FOR A REVOLUTIONARY JESUS FOR A REVOLUTIONARY AGE (cont) Christians Are Led by The Spirit Enough questions have been posed to demonstrate that it is not a simple matter to know what Jesus would do at any given time and place, and that to make passivity an inflexible tactic based upon Jesus as revealed in scripture is a shaky proposition. What all this says is that people of God are moved by the Spirit to act in the highest manner possible. There are no fixed maps to be given ahead of time. But is this not faith; to believe that God will guide in every situation? To say what one will or will not do is not necessarily faith. But to say one will do whatever is the right thing to do, for God will not allow it otherwise, is a declaration of faith. This is not to suggest that there is no ideal. God's people of all people have ideals. They have seen the Lord. They have a foretaste of glory. But ideals cannot always be realized. Oftentimes, maybe most times, we are forced to choose between what is bad and what is worse. How do we know what to choose? God will guide us, faith affirms. Why the Question-What Would Jesus Do? Why this search for a Jesus that is relevant in a revolutionary situation? The obvious reason is we want to do the will of the Lord. For ourselves, yes, but also for others. If we knew what Jesus would do, who knows what a difference that could make. Carl Braaten lists three reasons we need to be involved: In order to practice Christian hope for the world, we must reflect on whether or how God may be active in revolutionary situations. There is a very practical reason why we as Christians need a theology of revolution. Without it we will be at a total loss about what to do for the rest of the century. Then he quotes Hannah Arendt in her book on revolution: In the contest which divides the world today and in which so much is at stake, those will probably win who understand revolution. Another reason he cites is: The church is, to a large extent, responsible for the revolutionary consciousness that is emerging around the world. Indirectly the church has sponsored the revolutionary process by preaching a message which sets things in motion by stirring up the imagination, arousing new expectations, and stimulating a crusading zeal to translate hopes, whose realization some would postpone for heaven above, already into the social structures of this world. Another reason is the imperative for repentance on the part of the church. They stimulated or created the revolutionary process and then attempted to stifle it or walk away from it. Braaten states: While the gospel they preached pointed the way of hope for the future, the institutions they built impeded its coming. The official churches as well as church officials— have been guilty of betraying the promises of the gospel for the sake of securing alliances with the classes tenured with privileges of power, property and position. Martin E. Marty, in his book The Search for a Usable Future, agrees with Braaten but warns that: One would hope that the churches would take part not in order to attract attention, [not] to be relevant, [not] to assert their virility, but because of human need expressed in the situation. Nor need Christians step out of their role and stop being the church. They do not exist in order to become a revolutionary (or anti-revolutionary) political party but to do what situations demand, and situations demand more things and other things than being revolutionaries. Christians cannot, however, fulfill their missions and mandates without coming to some sort of terms with that aspect of life covered by the term revolution or radical social change. The alternative is to put oneself as a priority on the side of the status quo, no matter how evil and dehumanizing it be.7 The Particular Role of Black Christians There is another reason for Black Christians. The places where the revolutions are taking place, for the most part, are Third World countries. The battle is on to win back land and resources. Black Christians are in a crucial position. They can play a critical role in the movements, or they can opt to side with the opposition. They cannot be neutral. To do nothing in the face of an evil is in some sense to perpetuate that evil. Mention has already been made of an opportunity lost during the latter stages of the Civil Rights Movement, because God's people could not recognize their own language and ideas, and because they thought of Jesus in European limitation. Harvey Cox mentioned a similar situation concerning Cuba, as quoted in Vernon C. Grounds' book entitled Revolution and the Christian Faith: It is reported that during the initial stages of Castro's movement, before he came into power and even for a short time thereafter, there were a number of Cuban Baptists in high positions in his movement. But, when they found a real revolution on their hands and wanted to make a Christian witness and contribution within a revolutionary situation, they were totally baffled... These Cuban Christians lacked the kind of theology of the world that we have begun to develop; perhaps if they had not retreated the story in Cuba might have been different.8 Black followers of Jesus Christ have one more opportunity to bring their special dimension to this revolutionary age. They need to think hard and pray hard. This may be their moment in history. It may be that God has called them to this time to be the vanguard people-to proclaim salvation to the nations in the most comprehensive meaning of salvation. Notes 1. Reverend Herbert Daughtry, "A Theology of Black Liberation from a Black Perspective: The What, Who and How," The Virginia Seminary Journal, XXVI (January 1974). 2. Ibid. 3. Carl E. Braaten, The Future of God -The Revolutionary Dynamics of Hope (New York: Harper & Row, 1969), p. 143. 4. Carl E. Braaten, Christ and Counter-Christ (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1972), p. 30. 5. Marvin Harris, Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches, The Riddles of Culture New York: Vantage Books, 1975), pp. 201, 202. 6. Braaten, The Future of God, pp. 142, 143. 7. Martin E. Marty, The Search for a Usable Future (New York: Harper & Row, 1969), p. 107. 8. Vernon C. Grounds, Revolution and the Christian Faith (New York: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1971), p. 72.
- The House of the Lord Church where Black Political Power was born and nurtured Part One Hundred Nineteen
My Beloved Community Chapter Four; Part III: SEARCH FOR A REVOLUTIONARY JESUS FOR A REVOLUTIONARY AGE (cont) Tradition of the Prophets And what about the tradition of the prophets, the tradition Jesus followed? They were known to lead armies, fight guerilla warfare, and do whatever was necessary to promote God's will, as they understood it.2 Eschatological Statement And finally, Jesus' eschatological statement, with its blood and war dramatics (Matthew 24:29-45). Was it meant only for the future? In other words, was Jesus a revolutionary only in individual conversion and future expectation? No one can deny that in each of the above two areas Jesus was a revolutionary. But can revolution be dichotomized? Can there be a revolutionary individual without that individual living out that revolution in impactful ways within society? Carl Braaten writes in The Future of God-The Revolutionary Dynamics of Hope: The simple fact of preaching the gospel is like putting sticks of dynamite into the social structure.3 Similarly, does a glimpse of a new order, even in the future, inspire efforts to change the present to conform to that future? Braaten, in Christ and Counter-Christ, wrote: The power of Jesus' freedom is eschatological, but the place of its realization is history.4 Is this the kind of revolution Jesus finally settled for after months of agonizing on tactics, programs, strategies, allies, and goals? To dmit that still makes Jesus a revolutionary, and also, if the above is true, does that not place upon Him responsibility for His people's ctions, even when that action is violent confrontation with demonic structures? Jesus surely knew what Frederick Douglass, 1800 years fter him, knew: "Power concedes nothing without a demand." One who radically alters a person's self-concept and worldview so hat that person now works for the liberation of others thus bringing hat person into conflict with the status quo, must bear some of the legal and moral responsibility for that person's behavior. Apparently Contradictory Statements by Jesus Blessed are the peacemakers. (Matthew 5:9) Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:34) Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. (Matthew 5:39) Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division. (Luke 12:51) All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. (Matthew 26:52) Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you. (Luke 6:27) And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple... and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables. (John 2:15) What is the reason for these apparently contradictory scriptures? Marvin Harris in his book, Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches: The Riddle of Culture, put forth the claim that the idea of a peaceful messiah came to fruition after the destruction of Jerusalem in 71 A.D. From the stress Mark placed upon the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem as a punishment for the killers of Jesus, Brandon infers that this gospel—the first to be composed and the model for the others-was written in Rome after the fall of Jerusalem. As Brandon says, it was probably written in direct response to the great victory celebration of 71 A.D. The appropriate conditions for the spread of the cult for a peaceful messiah were at last present in full force. Jewish Christians now readily joined with gentile converts to convince the Romans that their messiah was different from the Zealot-branded messiahs who had caused the war, and who were continuing to make trouble: Christians, unlike Jews, were harmless pacifists with no secular ambitions. The Christian Kingdom of God was not of this world; Christian salvation lay in eternal life beyond the grave; the Christian messiah had died to bring eternal life to all mankind; his teaching posed no threat to the Romans, only to the Jews; the Romans were absolved of any guilt in Jesus' death; the Jews al killed him while Pontius Pilate stood by, helplessly unable to it.5
- Traveling and Thinking out Loud with the People's Pastor March 2024 Highlights
Fri March 1, 2024: Belafonte Family I attended the celebration of the life and times of Harry Belafonte. My wife Dr. Karen and my daughter Rev. Leah Daughtry and I attended the celebration for Harry Belafonte. It was held at the Riverside Church in Manhattan. The downstairs sanctuary was filled to capacity, in fact some of the attendees were seated upstairs in the balcony. As we sat there, I could not help but remember the important historic times I’ve been in this church. I was there in 1967 when Dr. King made his speech “Why I oppose the war in Vietnam”. I was there when Mandela was released from prison. I was a speaker that evening. During the Iraq war I led an interfaith interracial delegation to Iraq before the bombing started. I made my report in a speech I delivered at the Riverside church. The celebration was long almost three hours with speeches, artistic expression and family remembrances. Harry and I were great friends. My wife and I have visited them in their West Indies home. We had marched together on many issues especially South Africa. He deserves all the accolades we could heap upon him. He was every bit the personification of Paul Robeson. Both of them used their prodigious talents to fight for global justice, equality, and freedom. Long live the spirit of the great Harry Belafonte. Saturday March 2, 2024: Remembering Cujoe Bandele There was a celebration for Cujoe Bandele at the Restoration Corporation in Brooklyn. Cujoe was the son of Adeyemi and Khadijah Bandele. We were like family. Adeyemi was our international affairs director when I chaired the National Black United Front. He was a major architect in our foreign relations. The celebration was crowded in fact, it was standing room only. It was like a family reunion. The attendees consisted mostly of Black Power, Pan-Africanists, Black Nationalists. The attire was mostly African apparel. The praises for Cujoe were profuse and pervasive which could be summed up in the words of kindness, gentleness, courageous and committed to people of African Ancestry. Saturday March 9, 2024: Families Of Victims Against Violence Mothers Reunion at Le Petit Cafe FOVAV mothers gathered in Brooklyn for a reunion. FOVAV meaning families of victims against violence was organized in the 80s to comfort mothers whose children had been killed by street violence or police violence. In addition it was to encourage them to become active in preventing what happened to them to happening to others. Deborah Dawkins, Aimee Council, Carol Gonzalez, Ms. Davis. See videos on Facebook. Tuesday March 12, 2024: NYC Concerned Clergy journey to Washington D.C. About 50 clergy members took a trip to Washington D.C to lobby elected officials regarding immigration. We had plenary sessions with Minority Speaker Hakeem Jeffries, Congressman Meeks and Senator Schumer. Plus we had group meetings with various elected officials primarily representing the area of the visiting group. In other words, the delegation was divided into smaller groups to visit their particular representative. It was a long bus ride but we felt that it was worth it. The time and energy spent for the cause of immigration policy. We made four points in our meetings: - the imperative for a national immigration policy -additional help for NY and support from the faith community in -support for Governor Hochul's bill which is why a change in the employment practices -special consideration for the asylum seekers who demonstrate that they should be given consideration of citizenship Sunday, March 17, 2024: Visits to correctional facilities Sullivan & Eastern We, Kefentse Johnson and I resumed our visits to correctional facilities in Sullivan and Eastern, Upstate New York. It was the first time I had been to Sullivan since Covid. I was sad yet glad to see some of the same fellas still there.. after Sullivan I went to Eastern about 45mins away. It was the same for Eastern as it was for Sullivan, some of the same fellas still there. I had visited Eastern last month, but there was confusion with Sullivan last month. This month however everything was corrected and I did both. Every 3rd Sunday is my monthly correctional facility visits. I usually spend the day visiting these facilities. First, I start with prayer with the basketball players in Teaneck, NJ. But the basketball has been suspended or the players were in different leagues and would not resume until April. Friday, March 22-24, 2024: Holy Pilgrimage & Memorial Ceremony of the House of the Lord Churches See videos below during my time in Augusta: https://www.facebook.com/100008435985476/videos/1075807360142158/ https://www.facebook.com/100008435985476/videos/437450858845229/ https://www.facebook.com/100008435985476/videos/1198157944643819/ Good Friday March 29, 2024: Baptizing of Mayor Eric Adams While we were in Augusta, GA for our Holy Pilgrimage and memorial ceremony, my wife received a call from Mayor Eric Adams. He was looking for me to ask me if I would baptize him on Good Friday, March 29th, 2024, at Riker's Island. I replied in the affirmative. He said details would follow.. As stated earlier, the Holy Pilgrimage Memorial ceremony is a time we remember the deceased members of the House of the Lord church as well as those who have been significant supporters of the church. The significant supporter names are on separate plaques from the members in good standing of the church. This tradition started when my father made his transition. When I became the National Bishop, I had it to be inclusive of all the members of the church and not just my father. On March 29th, 2024, as Mayor Adams requested, we gathered at Riker's Island along with the 11 inmates, who are persons in custody, (I believe that is the acceptable term for the incarcerated). The mayor arrived at 10:15 for the 10:30 AM ceremony. Patiently he said through the entire ceremony. We were prepared to baptize him first and allow him to leave to attend other events or attend to his other mayoral duties, but he elected to stay for the entire ceremony and circulate among the people after the ceremony. The baptism was done as follows: There was a miniature pool a little larger than the old-time wash tubs of years ago. Water from a large pail equivalent to a garbage pail, was filled with portions of water of which was put in the tub halfway full. There was a special glass container that was filled with water. When the baptism took place the person who was baptized stepped onto steps, lower than the tub of water. The person put his head back and leaned backwards over the pail of water and the water from the glass container was poured over his head and the traditional words were said while the water was being poured over his head. He was later given a towel to dry his head and face and was then seated for the feet washing ceremony which the Chaplain Reverend Barnett and I conducted. Reverend Sharpton poured the water for the feet washing ceremony. When Mayor Adams was baptized Reverend Sharpton stood on my right and laid hands on the mayor and on my left was Reverend Barnett and he poured the water. I said the prayer and the traditional expressions and laid hands on the Mayor. The three of us had a significant role in the Mayor's baptism. Afterwards we washed the feet of the Mayor along with the 11 inmates. Present were members of the Mayor's administration, and officers of the institution along with the guards and what appeared to be the swat team. They were all crowded around the walls of the rather spacious Chapel. Everybody seemed deeply moved by the ceremony. I pointed out that this was a memorable occasion with the Mayor of one of the largest cities in the world being baptized along with persons in custody and with Reverend Al Sharpton who is one of the most prominent world leaders today. "It's not every day or every baptism we have this kind of mix, I said to the inmates, “what you have done today let's make it last. I am certain that God's going to do something special resulting from this baptism. Anyone of us here today can be the person that God lays hold upon and do a special work for him,” I concluded. Reverend Sharpton also made remarks and stated that with God all things are possible no matter how deep you have fallen, God can pick you up and put you on the straight and narrow. The Mayor thanked everybody and expressed that it was an honor for him to be among the baptismal candidates. He gave me a shout out saying that I encouraged him to direct his anger in a positive way; as he too had problems with the police. It was a great day and as I stated I believe that God is going to do something special. I hope that in some way the ceremony will contribute to fulfilling the vision, deepen relationships with the Mayor or put the vision among one of the top items on the Mayors’ agenda. Resurrection Sunday, March 31- House of the Lord Church Bergen County Facebook Post: It's Resurrection Morning; Hallelujah! Wake up world I've got good news! Jesus Christ has risen from the dead! And He has promised, He will be with us in Spirit and we too shall over death. He has promised to return with great power and glory! "For the LORD Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout and the voice of the Archangel and the Trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first and we are alive shall be caught up to meet the LORD in the air, so shall we ever be with the LORD " 1 Thess. 4: 16-17 But remember before the Resurrection there is the Crucifixion! I will be preaching this morning 9a 191 Humphrey St, Englewood NJ: The eternal exchange.
- Traveling and Thinking out Loud with the People's Pastor February 2024 Highlights
Sunday, February 18, 2024 Visit to Eastern Correctional Facility It’s been a good while since we last Traveling and Thinking out Loud with the People’s Pastor. But we have been on the move in my car, still traveling, teaching and thinking out loud. I’d like to think that God gave us this creative way of communicating with the people. It is an interesting, informative, educational, inspirational, and motivational initiative. We have been getting wide viewership averaging about a thousand on each trip or venture. I think people like motion, movement. A long time ago when I chaired the NBUF, we were on a march. News folk with their cameras tried to interview me while we were moving. I told them no, when we stop, I will come over to the side and do the interview. Later, the legendary newsman Gil Noble with whom we had a great friendship came to me and said, you should do the interviews while you are moving. Television attracts attention when there is movement. Therefore doing an interview while you are walking is more interesting, and getting more attention than just doing an interview standing still. Obviously, I found Gil’s comments to be in fact a reality. We have noticed that when I am on the move, or walking I attract more viewers. But we do not want to forsake the written word, thus we are resuming our posts: Traveling, Teaching and Thinking out Loud with the People’s Pastor. We will start with the Eastern Correctional Facility. I always enjoyed the drive, its beautiful country, mountains, hills, winding highways with trees and shrubbery along the way. As always, I received an overwhelming reception from the inmate population. I preached on the subject, Superstars perform hurt. I have used the theme often. I related my years as an unofficial chaplain of the New York Jets. And I asked the question, what makes a superstar? And came to the conclusion that superstars can play to their top level even while they're hurt. Hall of Famer, Winston Hill, offensive tackle for the New York Jets, was a great friend. Once he had a domestic crisis and his baby swallowed a penny. He was very distraught. But he went out and played a great game. And I asked myself, why do superstars play hurt? And I answered because we know people are depending on them, their teammates, the fans, and the family are all depending on them. And a sense of pride is also a driving factor. I used Philippians 1:12-18 where Paul the Apostle, while he was incarcerated, wrote letters to churches he had founded and witnessed to those fellow inmates. In keeping with our theme, Superstars perform hurt. They also perform in the time of crisis or treated unjustly as in the case with the Apostle Paul. He was jailed for preaching the gospel which was no crime at all. But he didn’t waste his time trying to convince everyone of his innocence. But he went from writing to face-to-face witnessing. And so, he was a Superstar. The point I made to the men was that they could be superstars right where they were. Dr. King used to say, we cannot all be famous, but we can all be great. Because greatness depends on service and he who renders service is great. I received a standing ovation with hand-claps. Monday, February 19, 2024 - Preparation for travel to the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference February 20-22 in Chicago,IL. Tuesday, February 20, 2024- I took an early morning flight. I was met at the airport and taken to the Palmer House Hotel, which appeared to be an old hotel refurbished with renovations that made more rooms and modern technology. There were three main events, or three what I call high points of the Proctor conference, two were sermons. The first sermon was delivered by Reverend Courtney Clayton Jenkins – Scriptural background was in the book of Kings which records the story of Elijah. Elijah was well favored by God, and he was doing a lot of good things, but perhaps too much. He was raising people from the dead, feeding the people, teaching, making prophetic pronouncements and on one occasion he slew some of the prophets of the false god bail. These prophets whom he slew were the prophets associated with Queen Jezebel. When she heard what Elijah had done, she sent word to him that she was going to kill him as he had killed her prophets. Elijah started running away and came to a place where he sat down and wanted to die and the angel sent from God told him to rise and go to Mount Horeb, Mount of God. And God began to ask him what he was doing and he relayed that the people of God had rejected the God of Israel, that they had thrown down the altar and killed the prophets and he was the only one left. Several times, God asked him what he was doing in different places and finally. God said that he was to anoint different people in addition to Elisha to take his place. The point the preacher was making was that sometimes the ministers of God become overextended and have nervous breakdowns, she cautioned the ministers to build into their programs rest time. The second sermon was delivered Reverend Nyle Fort, he was/is very active in Ferguson Michael Stewart. He talked about Jesus cursing the fig tree. There were leaves on it but no figs and Jesus cursed it and sentenced it to in a sense death that fruit should no longer come forth from this tree. The preacher pointed out that the reason the fig tree didn’t produce is because there was something wrong with the roots and it was the reason Jesus cursed it because the roots and the soil did not have the nutrients required for the fruit to be accomplished. He used that to save society, but if the root is bad, corrupt then it’s going to corrupt the whole society. The third and final high point for me was the book signing, sponsored by Joy Ann Reid, Anchor for MSNBC. She has written a book about Medgar Evers and the family. It was a crowded reception, speakers included, the Reverend Jesse Jackson. I was proud and glad to see my old mentor and traveling partner. I gave my book to him entitled, “When Great Minds Meet, Great Things Happen”. In addition to Jesse, I spoke to Dr. Jeremiah Wright, one of the founders of the Proctor conference. Rene Evers, the daughter of Medgar Evers and obviously speaking with Joy Reid. It was a crowded conference, it seemed that people were everywhere throughout the hotel. I am proud to say my daughter the Rev. Leah Daughtry is co-chairperson. Dr. Iva Carruthers is the Executive director of the conference. I returned home on Thursday, February 22, 2024. Friday, February 23rd, 2024: SEIU1199 celebrated Harry Belafonte. It was the first of two celebrations for Harry Belafonte. This one was sponsored by 1199. The favorite union of all of the activists and freedom fighters. 1199 under the leadership of George Gresham has been very supportive of several human rights causes. Among the speakers was Clarence Jones, who was the lawyer for Dr. King and he told many interesting stories about his relationship with Dr. King. I was pleased that he gave me a sterling shoutout as did the Mayor that followed him. Other speakers were Mae Mallory and of course Dr. Grisham. One of the interesting stories that emerged from the celebration was Sam Cooke singing “A change is gonna come”, and after recording it he was killed and never got a chance to sing the song. And someone who was a part of the group sang the song, A change is gonna come. The song was written when Malcolm X approached Sam Cooke and said he should write songs related to freedom. The song It was a well attended affair. Saturday, February 24th, 2024- Health Fair at the House of the Lord Church where various health organizations had tables promoting their various organizations on efforts to secure optimum health for quality health care for our people. I am proud to say that our church was in. I became vegan in 1984 and immediately organized a health committee and began to spread the word about our need for health services. In 2005, I walked from Brooklyn to Washington, D.C. to call attention to the health concerns and to challenge the government and corporations to do more to meet the health needs of the people. Also to challenge individuals to take responsibility for their health. Positive Community Magazine Fifth Annual Great American Emancipation Day Awards held in the Grand Ballroom of the Robert Treat Hotel in Newark, NJ. Positive Community has gained wide circulation among the churches, sponsoring an annual gala where they honor certain people in a program. The program moderator was Rev. Jack Degraff and Rev. Jennifer Jones, the keynote speaker was Rev. Al Sharpton. This program was also well attended across the spacious ballroom, people were jammed together. It was very well attended.The Mayor Ras Baraka was present. When I see him he always conjures up a lot of memories, his father, Amiri Baraka and I were great friends. He was a lecturer of the Timbuktu Learning Center and to be in the midst of our church, the House of the Lord Church in Brooklyn, as well as other programs at the church. He was a great supporter when I chaired NBUF, he was a prime organizer for one of the great conventions ever had in 1972 Gary, IN. Over 10,000 people are reported to have been present for convention as were the veterans of the Black liberation, Black Power Panther Party, Oba T’Shaka, Maulana Karenga. Rev. Sharpton was the keynote speaker and as always eloquent. The honorees were: One other person I would like to single out was Bishop Cahoon, an old friend in the Church of God in Christ. Thursday, February 29: Commission of Religious Leaders (CORL) Meeting We, Commission of Religious Leaders had our periodic meeting. We met with Police Commissioner Edward A. Caban and his assistants. We discussed police issues ie., public safety, security, protection for houses of worship, etc. The chairpersons are Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Pastor A.R. Bernard, Rabbi Joseph Potasnik. CORL was organized during the DeBlasio Administration. We addressed the issues of the world and the allocation of resources to the needy, both covered mental resources as well as the faith community. We meet at the residence of Cardinal Dolan (see my videos via Facebook) -NAN Rally I encouraged all who are interested in current events of historical issues and inspirational message to attend NAN's Saturday Rally. - Alonzo Daughtry Memorial Daycare Center's Black History Month Program I attended the Black History Month Program at the ADMDC. The day are is named after my father who was the founder of our church the HOLC. Dr Karen Daughtry, my wife is the executive director and has been for 50 years. My daughter Dr. Dawn Daughtry also works part time at the center. The program was well organized. The children marched, danced and recited important historical events and personalities. The teachers and administrative staff did a great job. See our videos via Facebook. -Rev. Al Sharpton's Clergy Call Then at night Rev. Sharpton organized A National ministers conference call. The theme of the conference was voter registration; -Highlight voter rights rollback -the urgency for voter education and participation Sharpton recounted how the cutbacks or rollbacks are happening around the country with the Supreme Court playing a major role. He pointed out with Trump's declaration that he intends to weaponize the justice department and to roll back democratic rights. As never before, said Sharpton we must register and vote. We must encourage our people to register and vote.
- Asylum Seekers demonstrate for better housing
Am I seeing what I'm seeing or hearing what I'm hearing? The news report says the Asylum Seekers are demonstrating for better living conditions! The Asylum Seekers are the people who have come to this country, particularly New York City, I'm told over 180,000 are searching for a better way of life. The Mayor, Eric Adams, has done and is doing a compassionate, sensitive, thoughtful and effective job responded to this insoluble problem. No city, not even the federal government, has found a solution to this situation. From what I am told, mayors and leaders concerned about the situation have come from other places to see and to learn how well Mayor Adams is handling this mountainous problem of securing appropriate housing. Now, there are some of these Asylum Seekers, few in numbers I hope, dissatisfied and complaining about the conditions where they are living. Well, I've got a solution. Let us raise the money and put them back on the ship, airplane, horseback, however they got here and send them back where they came from and let them deal with the problem there. Can you imagine a drove of people showing up at your house and you do all you can to accommodate them? You even build new rooms to the existing house while sharing the rooms that you have with them; imposing hardship and inconvenience to your family or the people already living in your home who have paid their dues and worked hard and can just make ends meet. Some of these ungrateful intruders stand outside your house and complain that the accommodations you have provided is inadequate. They want something better! I wonder how you would feel. Don’t tell me, we can’t print your response as journalistic etiquette or decent language prohibit your response or maybe even worse, you may be tempted to use more forcible methods to remove them. Now if they are led by some political operative with political ambition, I can understand the situation. It’s just good old American political ambition; or some community leader for whatever negative reason are manipulating these demonstrators, I can easily understand how the asylum seekers would be influenced to engage in this ungrateful activity. But, if on their own the Asylum Seekers decide that they want to demonstrate for better conditions then the plan expressed above should be implemented immediately. Mayor Adams, as I stated, is effectively dealing with an impossible situation, or at least a situation which is yet to be solved or even a plan that has yet to be put forth, to address, what everybody knows is a complicated and towering problem. I think the overwhelming majority of New Yorkers understand the challenge the Mayor faces and are willing to, not only offer understanding, but to do whatever they can do, even denying themselves and are ready to try to help to find a solution. Rather than give the Mayor his due credit there are those, hopefully few in number and for whatever reason, are constant critics and offer no better plan; especially the media, from what I have observed. It is true that mostly all Mayors have been subject to criticism, more or less, but this mayor seems to be the target of criticism in ways that were not experienced by other mayors. He is criticized for everything such as the food he eats, the clothes he wears, the diamond in his ear, the place he lives, his religion in addition to the misrepresentation and attempt to define what he's feeling and thinking. And among the top items of criticism are or is the Asylum Seekers. Come on, let's treat the Mayor fairly and for those of us who are religious, let us continue to pray for the mayor and not be silenced by the critics who claim that the mayor is denying the Constitution by not separating religion and state.
- Constance Eve — A Great Lady has made her transition..
Constance Eve, the wife of former Assemblyman Arthur Eve has made her transition. During the year of Mayoral campaigning in Buffalo, NY Arthur Eve was the Deputy speaker of the NY Assembly he put his hat in the Mayoral Race. On two occasions, I organized buses from our church in Brooklyn, NY to do voter registration drives and campaign for Arthur Eve. As the race heated up, Art and I decided that I would live with them at their home. Day and night we would walk through streets, visit houses, bars, saloons, and speak at rallies, etc. Mrs. Eve was the perfect host and the perfect partner for Arthur Eve. She was always gentle, friendly and expended energy to make sure I was comfortable. She was a great campaigner, smart and cordial. They had two children then Eric and Erica. I can say truthfully, we never had a misunderstanding. I will always remember the kindness and friendliness of Mrs. Eve. We were indeed like family. Art lost the election. He ran as a Democrat and Buffalo has been a Democratic city for as long as anyone can remember. But the Euro- ethnics decided to vote for the mayor who had been defeated by Arthur Eve in the Democratic primary. He lost the election but won the family. The Eve family and my family have been one family ever since. Eric and my daughter Leah have worked together on many projects and Erica has also. On behalf of my family, my church, the House of the Lord Church, the community and supporters, the people I represent: I extend my prayers and condolences to the family and friends with faith that what we call death does not make a final end, it is just a transition. And the resurrection of Jesus Christ which we just commemorated reminds us and reassures us that there is hope beyond the grave. Jesus said let not your heart be troubled if you believe in God, believe also in me. In my father’s house are many mansions if it were not so I would’ve told you. I go to prepare a place for you and where I am there you may be also. "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." John 14:3
- The House of the Lord Church where Black Political Power was born and nurtured - Part One Hundred Eighteen
My Beloved Community Chapter Four; Part III: SEARCH FOR A REVOLUTIONARY JESUS FOR A REVOLUTIONARY AGE (cont) Jesus' Friends and Disciples Next, look at the people who were attracted to Him — the common people, the winos, prostitutes, the outcasts, tax swindlers, zealots, revolutionaries. Is that kind of catering to and organizing of the outcast, misfits, radicals, and revolutionaries the efforts of a leader with no concern for structural change? Among his inner circle there were some characters with rather shady backgrounds. Had they all been converted to an individual, other-worldly salvation living in peace and goodwill with Romans and their own countrymen? Or did they believe that Jesus was the Messiah who would restore the kingdom of Israel— a real, earthly, material, concrete kingdom? And if this was their thinking, did Jesus know it? Did he lead them on, or was he planning to fulfill their expectations? Consider Judas Iscariot. Iscariot bears a striking resemblance to Sicarii, the word used by Josephus to identify the knife wielders, the dagger men who had developed a skill of killing people with daggers hidden in their sleeves. It has been suggested that the only plausible reason for Judas' betrayal of Jesus was that Jesus was not militant enough. Jesus really intended to be peaceful. But if he, Judas, could force Jesus to act, Jesus surely would enjoin the battle and issue a call for the masses to join Him. Judas was a Zealot, and Zealots did not sell out to Romans for a few pieces of silver. On the contrary, they would die themselves, for nothing, if it meant promoting their cause. Then there was Simon the Zealot, and James and John, the two firebrand brothers, called by Jesus the "sons of thunder." The term Boanerges from which "thunder" is translated, can also be translated "the fierce and wrathful ones." James and John, true to their nature, wanted to rain fire from heaven on a Samaritan village that denied passageway to Jesus (Luke 9:52-54). If they would burn up a people for so minimal act, what would they do to murderous Romans and treacherous Israelites. And these same brothers were ambitious too. They wanted the right and left hand on the throne.1 Additionally, the disciples carried swords too. On the night the authorities came for Jesus, Peter went for his piece and adroitly wacked the ear off the head of one of the policemen (Matthew 24:29-45). Granted, Jesus reattached the ear, but why did He allow Peter to pack the sword in the first place? Surely he knew Peter was packing. You cannot hide a sword as one might hide a switchblade. Did all of them carry swords? If so, what for? What would "turn the other cheek" disciples following a "go the extra mile" leader want with swords? Ghettos of Nazareth The place of Jesus' child-rearing, Nazareth, was a hell hole, a ghetto. No good thing ever came from Nazareth, went the proverb. Nazareth was a hotbed of revolutionary activity. There had been a Zealot uprising around 6 A.D. Jesus grew up in the knowledge of the heroics of the Zealots. Can a leader with that kind of background be inflexibly wedded to peaceful tactics? In the early years of His community there were attempts to eradicate class lines and to have everyone shared equitably. Was this socialism? Also, there was the removal of discrimination based on sex. Everyone was equal in Jesus' community (Acts 2:44,45). Was this a statement? Did Jesus know that to teach and to build an alternative community, where everyone was equal and shared all things equally, would automatically condemn social orders predicated upon class structures? To be continued on Thursday, March 28, 2024. Stay tuned for more updates from Herbert Daughtry Global Ministries. Don't forget to watch our videos on YouTube and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news and events. For more information, please visit our website or call us at 833-236- 7555. Join us for our Lifeline Fellowship every morning from 7am-8am EST, and the Timbuktu Learning Center in the evenings from 7pm-8:30pm EST. To participate, dial 1-716-427- 1168 and enter passcode 604309# when prompted. We look forward to hearing from you.