Sunday, April 9th, 2023 - Easter Sunday
No basketball prayer this morning, we had our Men's prayer and Sunday Service.
I posted 3/7 lessons the Resurrection of Jesus teaches us:
Seven Lessons The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ Teaches!
Scriptures: Matt. 28:18-20 Mark 16:1-8 Acts 1:6-8
If I were a visitor to earth, I would have difficulty under standing what was the real meaning of Easter; what with all the new fancy clothes,Easter eggs hunts and rolls, Bunny Rabbits, and chocolate candy, parades and Easter bonnets. We don’t see the same thing happening with other Religions’ High Holy Days. The same with Christmas, the real meaning is loss amid commercialization,
cultural falsification, and children fairy tales, oh yea, let me not forget,Black Comedian s desecrating the Black Church with their self hating, idiotic buffoonery and demeaning imitation of white vaudeville acts and we encourage them with self hating laughter and big pay checks.
But there is a real meaning to these High Holy Days you may have to search hard to find it, But It Is There! And it is well worth your search.
Now, here is what I believe, at least some of the meaning, that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, who I believe was not just another Prophet as worthy as they may be, not another religious Teacher or Rabbi as venerated as they ought to be, but He was the Anointed, Messiah, Christ teaches.
Victory over death!
I don’t care to have a discussion on what happens after death. There are too many beliefs and interpretations in and among Religions to have a discussion on the here after. Suffice it to say, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ teaches Death Does Not Make A Final End!
The Resurrection teaches, Victory of Good over evil.
The devil may have his day on Friday but Sunday Morning is coming. The devil may seem to be winning war for the souls of God’s Creatures and Creation but the very strategies that the devil and his cohorts employ God turns them into instruments and maneuvers love, righteousness and victory.
The Resurrection teaches Forgiveness.
Now, look at Mark 1:7. The Angel says to Mary Magdalene, out whom Jesus cast seven devils, Mary the mother of James and Salome, they had come to the to the tomb with spices to anoint Jesus’ body, Jesus is not here, He going to Galilee, tell His disciples, and Peter to meet him there. Notice the and Peter, wasn’t Peter one of the disciples? Probably Peter didn’t think so, after all he had denied Jesus when Jesus needed him most and he was probably thinking of the many other instances that he failed, made mistakes,and he was some where in deep remorse thinking that Jesus had rejected him. He was no longer a part of the group. So Jesus wanted to reassure him, all had been forgiven. He was still in the group! What a loving, reassuring message the Resurrection of Jesus Christ send to all who feel torn with guilt, dejected and rejected because of past sins,failures and mistakes, may even feel suicidal, Cheer Up my brothers and sisters, God,the Almighty Creator, has sent Jesus Christ Looking for you!
Monday, April 10th, 2023
We had our morning session, more participation as a result of posting the prayer.
I posted on the 50th Anniversary of Hip-Hop/ Celebrating 50 years of Hip Hop - from hell or heaven?
This year we celebrate 50 years of hip-hop. The controversy still rages on, was it from hell or heaven? Was it good or was it bad? Like most subjects and issues in life the answer probably lies in both hell and heaven. Some good, some bad. God initiates the positive but we interject the negative.
The truth is hip-hop has been around for more than 50 years, as we shall see as we proceed. The rhythm, sound, poetry, movement, vibrations and creativity was in Africa long before we ever arrived on the shores of the Americas; before the slave ships ever came to Africa. (I just attended a conference, one of the awardees was Doctor David Daniels. He is a widely recognized author, particularly in the church world. He pointed out in his presentation that Europeans did not bring Christianity to Africa, but Christianity was in Africa before Europeans. arrived the enslaved Africans brought Christianity with them on the slave ships and thus to America). Read more via the category..
We discussed on our Timbuktu Learning Center the two young black men in Nashville, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson were being put out, one was reinstated as of tonight.
Tuesday, April 11th, 2023
I reposted a Facebook Memory and added my own words.
Remembering Phillip Pannell!
A year ago we, Mrs. Pannell, daughter Natacha, and others gathered in Interval Park around the Tree of Remembrance. It’s been 33 years now since Phillip was shot in the back and the “Pain is still there “ said Mrs. Pannell, echoing the expression I’ve heard from countless mothers for 60 years- inconsolable mothers and others whose loved ones, especially children, were killed by street violence, even more painful when they are killed by the police as was the case with Phillip Pannell, he was only FIFTEEN!
Memory: “Yesterday 4/10/22 we gathered in Interval park in Teaneck N.J. around the Memorial Tree in memory of 15 year old Phillip Pannell who was killed, shot in the back by P. O. Gary Spath 32 years ago. Mother Mrs. Pannell Sis. Natasha and host of family and friends, including Mr. Mrs Webster. After many days and nights Webster led a March from Teaneck to Trenton N.J. In my memorial message I said ,”There is an African Proverb that says, ‘As long as a person's name is spoken in the Village they will never die’ Let us continue speaking Phillip name here and everywhere.”