Monday, April 3, 2023
Starting today we posted 365 Daily Prayers. Join us for the daily prayer in the morning for the Lifeline Prayer Fellowship. 716-427-1168 604309#
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
I posted to Facebook:
This has been a morning of highs and lows; of sunshine and storms. But through it all, the Spirit of the LORD has kept me serene and steady, hence I have learned how to deal with the ups and downs of life.
Today, 55 years ago Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. It is always a time of sorrow and joy. Sorrow for his death because of his death and the deep sorrow and anger that engulfed the Nation and the aftermath of death and destruction that followed.
I already mentioned my gladness having some my Facebook followers participate in our Prayer, Scripture, Testimonies, etc.
While in conversation with one of my members, she received word that a close family member had died. In the midst of the conversation, I had to pause and go down another road. We prayed,quoted Scripture and offered words of consolation.
I waken this morning with words and pictures of the destruction and death caused by tornadoes, hurricanes,rain storms, floods and landslides. I spoke to a member who lives in California. She said she has never seen anything like it. For days they stay shut up in their home, seeing and hearing sounds of wind, rain, crashing and smashing, feeling the house sharing.
And there are two historic developments that will take place later today:
The indictment of the first President of America, Donald Trump.
And than, there is Finland joining NATO. This enrages Russia. Finland stretches over eight thousand miles along Russia border and has awesome military power. It is the 31 Nation to join NATO which was begun in 1949 with an agreement an attack on one is an attack on all.
The war rages on in Ukraine as Russia accelerate it’s attack. And there is no peace talks on the horizon.
As never before, there is the “ fierce urgency “of Now to;
Pray, work and advocate to
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Traveling and Thinking out loud & Photo Bio planning for the following week.
We later had our Timbuktu Learning Center where Sister Leslie taught on the causes and cures of digestive system.
I awaken this morning with suicidal man on the roof of a four story house threatening to jump. Standing on the sidewalk, across the street, I could see, tied around his nude torso were ropes or pieces cloths. Occasionally, he would come to the edge of the roof, stre
Thursday, April 6, 2023
I posted to Facebook:
Earlier, I was on Fulton St. a man was threatening to jump and the police, ambulance, fire department were on the street and people were crowded around looking up. He was standing on the roof; his back is towards the street.
The police are on the roof trying to talk to him. He was sitting on the window part of the roof that goes out. Everyone was looking, praying, and began standing up, waving his hands and the police were coming closer and closer to him. I guess they were trying to talk to him, but the closer they get the closer he got to the edge.
It was a narrow house 3 windows and they got him. The police got him off and probably took him down for examining. One of the officers was wanting me to move. I was taking pictures and trying to get his attention as a clergy member.
Thank God.
I later had an interview for the documentary on the International Arts Festival (1971). It gre to massive proportions and the Independent schools were started in 1971.
Friday, April 7, 2023
Good Friday
I had an interview with Arnold for Business Week Magazine re: Mayor Eric Adams
I also had a meeting with Stella in regards to the Old Bridge Street Church.
I awakened this morning with suicidal man on the roof of a four story house threatening to jump. Standing on the sidewalk, across the street, I could see, tied around his nude torso were ropes or pieces cloths. Occasionally, he would come to the edge of the roof, stretch out his arms and start screaming. They were the sounds of man in deep pain. After about forty five minutes three police officers managed to rescue him. He was brought down from the roof and put in the ambulance. Alas, poor man, long I pondered, what drove him to the roof? What is our breaking point. Perhaps, all of us have felt or contemplated the only solution was suicide.
Perhaps all of us can identify with Shakespeare’s Hamlet as he about suicide,
“To be or not to be,that is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the sling and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take up arms against a sea of trouble, and by opposing to end them. To die, to sleep, no more. And by a sleep, to say, we end all the heart, and the thousand natural shocks that the flesh is heir to; ‘tis a consummation devoutly to wished.” He continues, but the fear of death, makes cowards of us all.
But this day, Good Friday, teaches us that though we might,”bear the whips and scorns of time “ or the crucifixion of Friday but Sunday morning is coming and will bring the glad tidings Resurrection- Victory over death and all the trials and tribulations and the fiery darts of the wicked.
All of the demonic forces sent from hell could not conquer Jesus. And what Jesus has taught us, and showed us, and promised us is as He has endured it all, even death, and was triumphant so, we too can do the same for He will be with us and will empower us.
So whoever you are out there, what ever you are suffering this Friday, Hold On For Just A Little While Longer! Sunday Morning Is Coming In A Few Days! Yes, weeping May endure for a night But Joy Will Come In The Morning, Just You Wait And See!
Saturday, April 8, 2023
I spoke with Rev. Al Sharpton and did not attend National Action Network rally or the Brooklyn for Peace march in Brooklyn.