Friday 1/27/2023
President Zelensky gets his way… sort of
President Zelensky, you remember you were pleading for the most sophisticated tanks in the arsenal of Germany and America. But first, he was in the USA a few weeks ago begging for missiles or aircover/shelters to protect against Russian drones and missiles. These attacks by the Russians were devastating the country leaving cities in rubble. Humans were in desperate need of food and water – really the necessities of life. Electrical power had been destroyed in over half of the country. Yet we are told by the American Press and the politicos and the old retired generals that Ukraine is winning the war. So now, Zelensky wants tanks. America had tried to persuade Germany to give President Zelensky what he wanted. But the Germans said to President Biden, you go first. The American administration’s response with that our tanks are too complicated, take too long to learn, difficult to repair, are too costly and does not navigate the terrain of Ukraine very well.
The German sophisticated tanks are ideal. The compromise now, America will build a new fleet of tanks that will be more suitable for Ukraine. This seems to satisfy the Germans who did not want to be accused of escalating the war. Now that the Americans will make their tanks available first. It appears that the Germans are prepared to go along with the request for the tanks.
What next will President Zelensky be asking for? Nuclear weapons? What kind of hold does President Zelensky have on President Biden and the NATO countries that they dance to his tune?
Again we say to the peoples of the world, wake up, become informed, mobilize and organize before it's too late.
Sat 1/28/2023 - Saturday is our Report and Organizing Meeting
We hear the report on our activities from the various participants. In total there are 14 reports.
The introduction which includes the trailer of the Herbert Daughtry Global Ministries and our activities. It is a rather impressive video for it includes local, national and international ventures of activities and organizing by myself, the Rev. Dr. Herbert Daughtry’s participation in rallies, top-level meetings with world leaders. I do the introduction and overall overview of the meeting.
The report from the TimbuktuLearning Center which takes place Mon-Wed (7-8:30pm) and a duplication of the Timbuktu which we used to do at the House of the Lord church. But really it was inspired by the Golden Age of Mali, West Africa and the city and University of Timbuktu. During the sessions, Monday night we focus on current events, Tuesday on history and Wednesday on culture. Then we have the 24-hr prayer chain, in which we asked people to choose 5-10 mins for prayer, meditation within the 24hrs by Brother Bill Foster. We also send a weekly inspiration email to our participants.
Lifeline prayer 7-8am (Mon-Fri)
The Lifeline prayer includes prayer, affirmations, Scripture, testimonies, scanning the world, social media and conclusion. It is coordinated by Chrissy Leak and Genell Leak. Also, they read the Old and New Testament Scriptures, respectively.
There is the power of one-liners, a quote by Sis. Delores Pridgen.
A family prayer by Minister Joseph Horton, he volunteered to pray for the Daughtry family. I teach the subject what we send out, we get back and so far, as I have initiated many different kinds of prayers, Minister Horton volunteered to pray for my family.
Mother Clara Barksdale concludes with an affirmation, “God has given me the power to change the world starting right where I am”. Mother Clara also makes an appeal to the seniors.
Climate Change - Pat Udima
War and Peace- Rev. Daughtry
Augusta, GA- Rev. Marc Smith
Here are the various groupings:
1. Our Purpose is threefold. One is to educate and inspire participants, the key in our organizing is participants growth mentally, socially and spiritually.
2. To inform and educate the world on our activities.
3. Recruitment
Hopefully these Saturday sessions, seeing the participants and their presentations, will encourage others to join. If our activities do not cover what one wants to do. We invite them to join with us and they can organize if there’s interest we will support it. Our overall goal is to Save the planet, Save the people and we believe that all people want to do good. All people want a reason/purpose for living. We at the HDGM provide the opportunity to meet that desire to Save the planet, Save the people.
Dr. Benjamin Mays said, “It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn’t a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream. It is not a disaster to be unable to capture your ideal, but it is a disaster to have no ideal to capture. It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. Not failure, but low aim is sin.”
Again we provide a dream, vision, goal which people can give their life. Jesus said that he/she that loses their life shall find it, but” in other words God, the Creator has put within us the need to give our lives for great causes, which is to Save the planet, Save the people
Sunday 1/29/2023
We had our usual Sunday except we canceled our 845 prayer and I spoke at my daughter Rev. Dr. Dawn Daughtry, Pastor of Englewood, NJ church. Their service starts at 9am via Zoom. For the basketball players and as well as for the church, the horrible beating of Tyre Nichols was on everyone’s mind. The events to which I was engaged, the meeting went in a different direction. We allowed discussion of both basketball and the morning worship in Englewood. I preached for about 10 mins then allowed discussion, my sermon topic was Sad but not Surprised (see my article on Tyre I talked about the police brutality and murder that I have heard about or involved in organizing during my youthful years in Brooklyn and Jersey City and all years of my ministry- 65 years.
One of the aspects of the beating was the culprits were Black. It confused and startled many people - particularly people of African Ancestry, but I remember the cruelty of Black police officers. Racism has always attempted, and in many instances succeeded in persuading their victims to believe in their superiority and the victim's inferiority.
I remember when there was a special group of policemen who were chosen to participate in a special organization within the police department ostensibly they were organized to fight crime or a particular part of criminal behavior. The officers who shot Amadou Diallo over 50 bullets were fired as he was in the vestibule trying to get to his apartment, killing Amadou. They were members of a specialized police group in their precinct with the slogan “we own the night”. There was a Euro Ethnic group that called themselves the FBI it stood for Full Blooded Italians. And then there was a Black group that called themselves the King Cole Trio. Both of these groups were known to the black community as the brutality squad. They were known to be brutal, mean and nasty.
And to pour salt on the wounds, these officers were exonerated. The usual outcome of their murder or brutality was exoneration.