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Traveling and Thinking out Loud with the People’s Pastor

Monday- Friday from 7am-8:15am we do our Lifeline morning prayer and discuss various issues particularly social media. We’ve been having these sessions for over five and a half years. Especially were they helpful during covid years. Join us at 716-427-1168 passcode 604309#

Moreover, they inspired many other helpful initiatives, i.e. Timbuktu Learning Center (same number above), 24-hour Global Prayer Chain, Social Media, Monthly Organizing meeting, etc.

Monday and Tuesday after the Lifeline, we started work with typing and posting. In the evening Monday- Wednesday is the Timbuktu Learning Center.

Wednesday, July 13th 2022, our morning started with a special time that I’ve set aside for what I call file revisiting, research and typing. The subject that I’m working on now is My Story and My Songs. In this volume I tell the story of significant points in my life where I was inspired to sing. I even made up a song or put words into melodies of songs already made or sang an old song that is appropriate for the occasion. I usually spend one to two hours on this venture. In addition, we had our second Zoom meeting at 12pm- with Ministers from South Africa, Doctors John Moloma and Modesei, and Dr. AG Miller, our Midwest region leader, my wife, Dr. Karen Daughtry. We discussed our trip to South Africa in December 2022 and/or February 2023.

From 5:30-7pm we visited Assemblyman Al Vann.

Refer to Article on Al Vann

Thursday was office work and I waited for the January 6th hearings which never came. They canceled it until the following week. The big question now is whether Donald Trump is going to be indicted on criminal charges. There have been many witnesses indicating that the insurrection was going to take place before it happened and encouraged it and tried to lead it.

Friday, in the morning after our morning Lifeline prayer, during my morning walk I received a phone call from Rev Sharpton and Nayaba Arinde, Editor of the Amsterdam News called me and said that “Assemblyman Al Vann had made his transition.” I thanked them and continued my walk. This time much longer as I had many memories to ponder. I did not do very much after that except we worked on a couple of office items, posting, etc. Except, we worked on President Biden and the war on Ukraine article. Parts I and II are now available here:

Saturday, 11am we met with the brotherhood of our church, the House of the Lord Church for their brotherhood brunch in Brooklyn. We could only stay with the brothers for half an hour. Our next stop was in Staten Island for the street naming of Eric Garner. This was scheduled at 1pm. In fact, it was more like 2:30pm before the actual ceremony of hanging the street sign, Eric Garner Way. Prior to the sign hanging there were programs, there were speeches, and a performance by the youth from Gowanus Wildcats from Brooklyn. A sister who was a rapper, and there were speeches by Assemblymember Rose, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Braggs, of course Mrs. Gwen Carr and her daughter Ayesha, and other family members including Michael Garner. In my remarks I shared that, “There is an African proverb that as long as a person's name is spoken in the village they never die. So let us remember not only this day of putting Eric’s sign up. Let us call his name often.” It was 3:30pm when we departed for home.


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