Am I seeing what I'm seeing or hearing what I'm hearing?
The news report says the Asylum Seekers are demonstrating for better living conditions! The Asylum Seekers are the people who have come to this country, particularly New York City, I'm told over 180,000 are searching for a better way of life. The Mayor, Eric Adams, has done and is doing a compassionate, sensitive, thoughtful and effective job responded to this insoluble problem. No city, not even the federal government, has found a solution to this situation. From what I am told, mayors and leaders concerned about the situation have come from other places to see and to learn how well Mayor Adams is handling this mountainous problem of securing appropriate housing.
Now, there are some of these Asylum Seekers, few in numbers I hope, dissatisfied and complaining about the conditions where they are living.
Well, I've got a solution. Let us raise the money and put them back on the ship, airplane, horseback, however they got here and send them back where they came from and let them deal with the problem there.
Can you imagine a drove of people showing up at your house and you do all you can to accommodate them? You even build new rooms to the existing house while sharing the rooms that you have with them; imposing hardship and inconvenience to your family or the people already living in your home who have paid their dues and worked hard and can just make ends meet. Some of these ungrateful intruders stand outside your house and complain that the accommodations you have provided is inadequate. They want something better!
I wonder how you would feel. Don’t tell me, we can’t print your response as journalistic etiquette or decent language prohibit your response or maybe even worse, you may be tempted to use more forcible methods to remove them.
Now if they are led by some political operative with political ambition, I can understand the situation. It’s just good old American political ambition; or some community leader for whatever negative reason are manipulating these demonstrators, I can easily understand how the asylum seekers would be influenced to engage in this ungrateful activity. But, if on their own the Asylum Seekers decide that they want to demonstrate for better conditions then the plan expressed above should be implemented immediately.
Mayor Adams, as I stated, is effectively dealing with an impossible situation, or at least a situation which is yet to be solved or even a plan that has yet to be put forth, to address, what everybody knows is a complicated and towering problem.
I think the overwhelming majority of New Yorkers understand the challenge the Mayor faces and are willing to, not only offer understanding, but to do whatever they can do, even denying themselves and are ready to try to help to find a solution. Rather than give the Mayor his due credit there are those, hopefully few in number and for whatever reason, are constant critics and offer no better plan; especially the media, from what I have observed.
It is true that mostly all Mayors have been subject to criticism, more or less, but this mayor seems to be the target of criticism in ways that were not experienced by other mayors. He is criticized for everything such as the food he eats, the clothes he wears, the diamond in his ear, the place he lives, his religion in addition to the misrepresentation and attempt to define what he's feeling and thinking. And among the top items of criticism are or is the Asylum Seekers.
Come on, let's treat the Mayor fairly and for those of us who are religious, let us continue to pray for the mayor and not be silenced by the critics who claim that the mayor is denying the Constitution by not separating religion and state.